122 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
12. Repeat Steps 3-4 to enter the audiogram for the new ear.
13. Press [F3] to generate the NAL-NL1 target. If you did not enter any measured
UCL values, predicted UCLs will also be generated.
5.3.5 Modifying a Target
If the target generated by the FP35 does not meet your client’s needs, you can
modify it so that it does. To modify the target:
1. Press [F2] until TARGET is selected. In the data entry box, the cursor will
now be in the TARG column.
2. Use the [
∨, ∧] keys to move the cursor through the frequencies.
3. Use the [<, >] keys to change the target values. The values will be adjusted
in 1 dB increments. Holding down the arrow key will change the numbers
more rapidly.
If you want to enter your own target values, use these same steps. In such a
case, it is unnecessary to generate the target. If you want to predict UCLs and
enter your own target values, choose DIRECT as your target fitting rule. Then
pushing [F3] will generate UCL values, but not IG values.
Note: You cannot modify DSL targets.
5.3.6 Measuring the Real-Ear to Coupler Difference
The real-ear to coupler difference (RECD) is the acoustical difference between
the response of an insert earphone in the ear versus in a 2-cc coupler. It
involves two measurements: a coupler measurement, and a real-ear measure-
ment. Both measurements are performed with an insert earphone.
The coupler part of the RECD is performed when you “calibrate” the insert
earphone used in the measurement. When this calibration is performed, the
coupler measurement is saved into the FP35 analyzer’s permanent memory.
See Appendix C for instructions on performing the calibration of the insert ear-
See Chapter 6 2CC-Targets for information on performing coupler measurements
to a target. Analyzer Setup for RECD
This section describes how to set up the analyzer to perform the real-ear portion
of the RECD.
1. Enter the Audiogram Entry Screen (See Section 5.3.1).
2. Press [MENU].
3. Select desired EAR, using [<] if necessary.
4. Select ASSESSMENT with [
∨, ∧] keys.