Appendix B 195
Software Upgrades
As new features and options become available on the FP35 analyzer, you may
want to upgrade your instrument. The FP35 analyzer is upgraded using com-
puter software.
It is recommended that you close any open programs on your computer before
executing the software upgrade. It is particularly important to close any other
programs that are Frye programs. It is also recommended that you disable your
To update your FP35 analyzer
1. Attach the FP35 analyzer to your computer using the RS232 connectors and
2. Insert the FP35 upgrade disk into your computer.
3. Open Windows Explorer and click on the 3 1/2 inch floppy drive. This is
usually drive A.
4. Double-click on the file named Setup.exe. This will open the Flash ROM
Installation screen.
5. Look at the path name shown under “Destination.” If desired, click Browse
to change the default destination directory.
6. Click Install to perform the installation.
7. Click OK when the installation program is completed. This will open Flash
ROM Update program.
8. Click Check Instrument. This will verify your FP35 analyzer’s connection
and pull up information about its existing software.
9. Click Update Flash to perform the flash ROM update.
10. Click Exit to exit the update program when the installation has completed
Other Functions & Information
• TheFlashROMUpdateprogramcanbere-openedoncetheinstallation
process described in Steps 3-6 above has been performed by running
“C:\frye\flash\update.exe.” (If you selected a different directory in Step 5
above, you will have to run the update.exe program in that directory.) You
may have to do this if there was a program during the installation pro-
• TheMakeDiskettebuttonmakesabackupcopyofthesoftwarepackage
onto a floppy disk.
• TheFlashROMUpdateprogramautomaticallydetectsthecommunica-
tions port used in connecting to the FP35 analyzer. However, if you are
having trouble connecting, you might try specifying the com port that the
Update program should use.