Device Management
Polycom, Inc. 105
External SIP Peer
On the External SIP Peer page, you can add or remove SIP servers or devices from the list of SIP peers
to which the system can route calls and from which it may receive calls.
This is a supercluster-wide configuration. But note that a Polycom RealPresence DMA system supercluster
can provide proxy service for any or all domains in the enterprise, allowing the SIP function to be distributed,
but managed centrally. This may reduce the need for external SIP peer servers (other than SIP session
border controllers, or SBCs).
The following table describes the fields in the list.
See also:
Device Management on page 87
Edit External SIP Peer Dialog Box on page 110
Add External SIP Peer Dialog Box
The following table describes the fields in the Add External SIP Peer dialog box.
Note: SBC Configuration
SIP SBCs to be reached by prefix-based dialing (rule 4 of the default dial plan; see The Default Dial
Plan and Suggestions for Modifications on page 241) are added to the External SIP Peer page.
SBCs to be reached by a dial rule using the Resolve to external address or Resolve to IP address
action (rules 5 and 6, respectively, of the default dial plan) are configured on a per-site basis (see Edit
Site Dialog Box on page 285).
For most configurations, SBCs should be configured on a per-site basis, so that calls to endpoints
outside the enterprise network are routed to the SBC for the originating site.
Column Description
Name The name of the SIP peer.
Description Brief description of the SIP peer.
Next Hop Address Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the SIP peer
Prefix Range The dial string prefix(es) assigned to this SIP peer.
If your dial plan uses the Dial services by prefix dial rule (in the default dial
plan) to route calls to services, all dial strings beginning with an assigned
prefix are forwarded to this SIP peer for resolution.
Enabled Indicates whether the system is using the SIP peer.
Outbound Indicates whether the system is registered with the SIP peer so that it can
route calls to it.