Users and Groups
Polycom, Inc. 331
See also:
Session on page 58
Users and Groups on page 301
Change Password Dialog Box
The system may be configured to expire local user passwords after a certain number of days (see Local
Password on page 58). If your password has expired when you try to log into the system, the Change
Password dialog box prompts you for a new password.
You can change your password at other times by going to User > Change Passwords (but not more often
than specified on the Local Password page).
The following table describes the fields in the dialog box.
See also:
Security Settings on page 50
Users and Groups on page 301
Field Description
User ID The user name with which you’re logging in. Display only.
Old password For security reasons, you must re-enter your old password.
New password Enter a new password. The password must satisfy the local password rules
specified for the system (see Local Password on page 58).
Confirm new password Retype the password to confirm that you entered it correctly.