Polycom, Inc. 360
Alert 3605
Cluster <cluster>: Custom conference rooms differ between servers.
In the specified cluster, the custom conference room counts are different on the two servers, indicating that
their internal databases aren’t consistent.
Try to determine which server’s data is incorrect and reboot it.
See also:
Alerts on page 342
Alert 3606
Cluster <cluster>: Local users differ between servers.
In the specified cluster, the local users are different on the two servers, indicating that their internal
databases aren’t consistent.
Try to determine which server’s data is incorrect and reboot it.
See also:
Alerts on page 342
Alert 3801
<d-cluster>: Cluster <f-cluster>/server <f-server> failover to <b-server> due to
<component> failure: <details of failure>
The cluster from which the alert originated is reporting that a server in a different cluster has failed over to
an alternate server because of an internal software component failure. The alert includes details on what
component experienced the failure.
This alert is cleared when the condition that caused the alert is resolved.
Use the failure details as a starting point for troubleshooting. If the failure is not hardware or network related,
and you are unable to access the server, it may need to be rebooted.
Click the link to go to the Network > DMAs page.
See also:
Alerts on page 342
Alert 3802
<d-cluster>: Cluster <f-cluster>/server <f-server> shutdown due to <component>
failure: <details of failure>
The cluster from which the alert originated is reporting that a server in a different cluster has shut down
because of an internal component failure. The alert includes details on what component experienced the