Device Management
Polycom, Inc. 119
The following table describes the fields in the Add Outbound Registration dialog box.
See also:
External SIP Peer on page 105
Add External SIP Peer Dialog Box on page 105
Edit External SIP Peer Dialog Box on page 110
Edit Outbound Registration Dialog Box
Some external SIP peers require peer proxies to register with them as an endpoint does, using a REGISTER
message. The Edit Outbound Registration dialog box lets you edit the selected outbound registration
The following table describes the fields in the Edit Outbound Registration dialog box.
Field Description
Enabled Clearing this check box lets you stop using this registration without deleting
the registration information.
Address of record The AOR with which the system registers (see registration rules in
RFC 3261), such as:
Territory to perform registration Responsibility for registering must be assigned to a territory, thus making the
primary or backup RealPresence DMA cluster for the territory responsible,
depending on which is active.
Contact address format Select IP or DNS to specify that the contact header should use the virtual IP
address or virtual DNS name of the cluster currently managing the territory. If
the territory responsibility switches to the other cluster, it re-sends the
registration using its IP address or DNS name.
Select Free Form to specify that the contact header should use the FQDN
you enter. The external peer must be able to resolve this FQDN.
User name The user name to use for the authentication credentials if the external peer
challenges the registration request.
Note: The authentication credentials specified here are specific to this SIP
peer and are not tied to any other authentication configuration values.
Confirm password
The password to use for the authentication credentials if the external peer
challenges the registration request.
Request-URI The Request-URI to include when registering with this SIP peer, specified
using the variables (#delimited) defined in Free Form Template Variables on
page 116.
Other headers Additional headers to include when registering with this SIP peer.
Click Add to add a header. In the Add Header dialog box, specify the header
name and value(s), using the variables (#delimited) defined in Free Form
Template Variables on page 116.
Click Edit or Delete to edit or delete the selected header.