Site Topology
Polycom, Inc. 294
2 In the Actions list, click Add.
3 In Step 1 of the wizard, select the first site for the exclusion. Click Next.
If the site you want isn’t displayed in the list, you can search by site name or territory.
4 In Step 2 of the wizard, select the second site for the exclusion. Click Next.
5 In Step 3 of the wizard, review the exclusion and click Done if it’s correct.
See also:
Site-to-Site Exclusions on page 293
Site Topology Configuration Procedures on page 299
The Territories page lists the territories defined in the site topology. On the right, it displays information
about the selected territory.
A territory contains one or more sites for which a Polycom RealPresence DMA cluster is responsible. By
default, there is one territory named Default RealPresence DMA Territory.
In a superclustered Polycom RealPresence DMA system deployment, additional territories allow you to
assign different territories to different Polycom RealPresence DMA clusters and to specify a backup cluster
for each territory to increase fault tolerance. If a territory’s primary cluster becomes unavailable for any
reason, the backup cluster takes over the responsibilities for the territory.
Territories serve the following purposes:
● Sites are associated with territories, thus specifying which Polycom RealPresence DMA cluster is
responsible for serving as the H.323 gatekeeper, SIP registrar, and SIP proxy for each site.
● Microsoft Active Directory integration is associated with a territory, thus specifying which Polycom
RealPresence DMA cluster is responsible for connecting to the directory server, retrieving user and
group data, and updating the shared supercluster data.
● Microsoft Exchange server integration (for calendaring service) is associated with a territory, thus
specifying which Polycom RealPresence DMA cluster is responsible for integrating with the
Exchange server and monitoring the Polycom Conferencing infrastructure mailbox.
● The Polycom RealPresence DMA system’s Conference Manager functionality is associated with
territories, thus specifying which Polycom RealPresence DMA clusters are responsible for hosting
conference rooms (VMRs). Up to three territories (and thus clusters) may have this responsibility.
If the system is integrated with a Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager or CMA system, it receives
territory information from that system, and the Territories page is view-only. If not, you can modify the
territory information.
The commands in the Actions list let you add a territory and edit or delete territories, or if the system is
integrated with a Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager or CMA system, view details for a territory.
The following table describes the fields in the list and the sections on the right.
Column/Section Description
Name Name of the territory.
Description Description of the territory.