Polycom, Inc. 357
Alert 3310
<cluster>: DNS <address of server> cannot resolve <FQDN>. <service>
<referenced by> cannot be reached.
The specified cluster can’t resolve the domain name of this Active Directory, MCU, ISDN gateway, or DMA
cluster. The specified service is currently unreachable.
This could indicate a network problem, or that the specified domain name entry is incorrect in the DMA
cluster’s configuration.
If the alert is originating from a different cluster, log in to that cluster and go to the Admin > Local Cluster
> Network Settings page to begin troubleshooting. If you are already logged in to the originating cluster,
click the link to go to the Admin > Local Cluster > Network Settings page.
See also:
Alerts on page 342
Alert 3401
Cluster <cluster>: Available disk space is less than 15% on server <server>.
The specified cluster is running out of disk space.
Suggestions for recovering and conserving disk space include:
● Delete backup files (after downloading them).
● Remove upgrade packages.
● History data is written to the backup file nightly. Reduce history retention settings so the same history
data isn’t being repeatedly backed up.
● Roll logs more often (compressing the data) and make sure Logging level is set to Production.
See also:
Alerts on page 342
Alert 3403
Cluster <cluster>: Log files on server <server> exceed the capacity limit and will
be purged within 24 hours.
Log archives on the specified cluster exceed the 14 GB capacity limit for logs. After midnight, the system
will delete sufficient log archives to get below the 14 GB limit.
Click the link to go to the System Log Files page. We recommend routinely downloading archived logs and
then deleting them from the system.
See also:
Alerts on page 342