Polycom, Inc. 353
Alert 3105
Cluster <cluster>: One or more CA certificates will expire within 30 days.
The specified cluster has a CA certificate or certificates that will expire soon. When a CA certificate expires,
the certificates signed by that certificate authority are no longer accepted. If you allow the CA certificate(s)
to expire, depending on its security settings, the cluster may refuse connections from any devices
presenting a certificate signed by a CA whose certificate has expired, including MCUs, endpoints, the AD
server, and the Exchange server.
If you’re logged into that cluster, click the link to go to the Certificates page. If not, log into that cluster and
go to Admin > Local Cluster > Certificates.
See also:
Alerts on page 342
Alert 3201
Cluster <cluster> has no license key(s). System will allow up to 10 concurrent
You haven’t entered the license key(s) for the specified cluster.
If you’re logged into that cluster, click the link to go to the Licenses page. If not, log into that cluster and go
to Admin > Local Cluster > Licenses.
Without a valid license, the cluster is limited to ten simultaneous calls.
See also:
Alerts on page 342
Alert 3202
Invalid license key(s) applied to cluster <cluster>. System will allow up to 10
concurrent calls.
The specified cluster has an invalid license key or keys.
If you’re logged into that cluster, click the link to go to the Licenses page. If not, log into that cluster and go
to Admin > Local Cluster > Licenses.
Without a valid license, the cluster is limited to ten simultaneous calls.
See also:
Alerts on page 342