Polycom, Inc. 408
setting the date/time range for your search, keep in mind that retrieving a large number of records can take
some time.
The registrations that match your search criteria are listed below the search fields. In the Actions list, the
Show Details command displays the Registration Details and the Events and Signaling Messages tabs
below the list, enabling you to see:
● Detailed information about the selected device’s registration status and information.
● A history of the registration signaling and processing, including the results of applying the registration
policy script, if any (see Registration Policy on page 264).
The following table describes the fields in the list.
Registration History Procedures
To find a device or devices
1 Go to Reports > Registration History.
The Registration History page appears.
2 For a simple search of the current day’s registration history, enter a search string in the Alias or IP
address field.
The system matches any string you enter against the beginning of the values for which you entered
it. If you enter “10.33.17” in the IP address field, it displays devices whose IP addresses are in that
subnet. Leave a field empty to match all values. To search for a string not at the beginning of the field,
you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard.
3 For more search options, click the down arrow to the left.
The search panel expands, revealing a complete set of registration start and end time options and
the Territory, Owner, Site, Protocol, Status, and Device Type filters.
Note: Viewing Registration History
You can also access the registration history of a specific device by selecting it on the Endpoints page
and clicking View Registration History.
Column Description
Name The name of the registered device.
Alias The device’s alias.
Start Time The time and date that the device registered.
End Time The time and date that the device’s registration ended (blank if the device is
still registered).
Registration Status The registration status:
• Active
• Rejected
• Terminated by call server
• Terminated by endpoint
• Timed out