Integrations with Other Systems
Polycom, Inc. 173
6 (Optional) Use the drop-down list to select a conference template to use for calls routed by this dial
Keep in mind that the conference template must specify a Conference mode of AVC only, or the
conference will not start. See page 169.
7 Select a SIP peer from the Available SIP peers selection area.
8 Use the right arrow button to move the SIP peer to the Selected SIP peers area.
The RealPresence DMA system will query the SIP peer(s) in this list for a Lync conference ID that
matches the dial string.
9 Click OK.
See also:
Edit Dial Rule Dialog Box on page 248
Configure System-wide Presence and Contact Creation Settings
Once External SIP peer configuration is complete, you can configure system-wide presence publishing and
contact creation settings for VMRs. By default, presence publishing and contact creation are disabled; follow
these steps to configure them. Contact creation requires that the RealPresence DMA system be integrated
with Active Directory.
VMR and Polycom conference contact synchronization happens automatically. When you enable
conference contact creation as part of integration (see Integrate RealPresence DMA and Lync 2013 ), the
system compares RealPresence DMA system conference rooms with the corresponding Polycom
conference contacts in Active Directory and creates or deletes conference contacts as needed. This
happens during startup, service activation, nightly Active Directory synchronization, when you make
changes to individual VMRs, and when you click the Update button on the Active Directory Integration
page. Enabling the Create Polycom conference contacts check box also ensures that whenever you
delete a VMR on the system, any corresponding Polycom conference contact is deleted automatically in
Active Directory.
To enable presence publishing for Polycom conference contacts
1 Go to Admin > Conference Manager > Conference Settings.
2 Enable the Publish presence for Polycom conference contacts check box.
3 Choose a Lync pool from the Lync pool to create/publish to list.
4 Enter a Contact SIP domain.
The conference contacts will be created in this domain, and the domain will be appended to the Active
Directory display name of the conference contact. For example, if the Contact SIP domain is
“corporate”, the VMR 1234 will correspond to the conference contact “1234@corporate”. If the
domain doesn’t exist, it will be created if the Create Polycom conference contacts check box is
5 (Optional) Enable the Create Polycom conference contacts check box.
This enables the creation of Polycom conference contacts in Active Directory for new and existing
VMRs. You don’t need to enable this functionality if you are handling the creation of conference
contacts manually, or if the VMRs already have corresponding conference contacts.
If you enable this check box, the VMR display name pattern and OU for contacts fields are