Users and Groups
Polycom, Inc. 302
If your system is integrated with an Active Directory, all enterprise users are automatically Conferencing
Users. You can use enterprise groups to manage assignment of the other user roles. See Enterprise Groups
Procedures on page 329.
See also:
Users on page 303
Users Procedures on page 321
Conference Rooms Procedures on page 323
Adding Users Overview
You can add users to the system in two ways:
● Add users manually to the Polycom RealPresence DMA system. These are known as local users.
When adding users manually, you must assign them conference rooms and any specific roles they
should have.
● Integrate the Polycom RealPresence DMA system with Microsoft Active Directory (requires
Administrator permissions). This integration allows users with specific roles (Administrator, Auditor,
or Provisioner) to log into the Polycom RealPresence DMA system with their Active Directory (AD)
user names and passwords. The integration process can also automatically create conference rooms
for AD users based on the AD field (such as phone number) that you specify.
When a Polycom RealPresence DMA system is integrated with an Active Directory, the Active
Directory users are automatically added as Polycom RealPresence DMA system users with a
Conferencing User role and displayed in the Polycom RealPresence DMA system Users list. An
administrator can assign them additional roles as required.
Provisioner Responsible for the management of Conferencing User accounts.
Can create or modify only users with no role other than Conferencing User, but can
view all local users. Must be an enterprise user to view all enterprise users. Can view
history reports.
If you have a Polycom RealPresence Resource Manager system or any other API
client, assign this role to its users who should have provisioning rights and
This role must be explicitly assigned by an Administrator.
Conferencing User Has been provisioned with a conference room (virtual meeting room, or VMR) or rooms
and can host conferences. Cannot access the system management interface.
This role is automatically present on all user accounts. It isn’t listed under Available
Roles or explicitly assigned.
For purposes of API access, the system identifies a subcategory of Conferencing User,
the Conference Room Owner, who can monitor and control his or her conferences.
Note: A user account that has neither a conference room nor an explicitly assigned
role serves no purpose.
Note: Enterprise vs. Local Users
You must be an enterprise user (with the appropriate user role assignments) to see and work with
enterprise users. A local user can only see other local users, regardless of user roles.
Role Description