System Security
Polycom, Inc. 59
See also:
System Security on page 39
Login Policy Settings on page 57
Local User Account
The Local User Account page lets you increase system security by:
● Locking out users who have exceeded the specified number and frequency of login failures. The
system locks the account either indefinitely or for the length of time you specify.
● Disabling accounts that have been inactive a specified number of days.
The following table describes the fields on the Local User Account page.
See also:
System Security on page 39
Login Policy Settings on page 57
Field Description
Active system sessions Specify the number of simultaneous login sessions by all users or select
Note: If this limit is reached, but none of the logged-in users is an
Administrator, the first Administrator user to arrive is granted access, and the
system terminates the non-Administrator session that’s been idle the longest.
Active sessions per user Specify the number of simultaneous login sessions per user ID or select
Session timeout (minutes) Specify the length of time after which the system terminates a session for
inactivity or select Unlimited.
Field Description
Account Lockout
Enable account lockout Turns on lockout feature and enables lockout configuration fields below.
Failed login threshold Specify how many consecutive login failures cause the system to lock an
Failed login window (hours) Specify the time span within which the consecutive failures must occur in
order to lock the account.
Customize user account lockout
duration (minutes)
If selected, specify how long the user’s account remains locked.
If not selected, the lockout is indefinite, and a user with a locked account must
contact an Administrator to unlock it.
Account Inactivity
Customize account inactivity
threshold (days)
Turns on disabling of inactive accounts and lets you specify the inactivity
threshold that triggers disabling.