Polycom, Inc. 366
Alert 6002
Shared number dialing VEQ <VEQnum> references entry queue <EQname> which
is not configured on any MCUs.
The specified entry queue used by the VEQ <VEQnum> is not configured on an MCU. If the VEQ is a Direct
Dial VEQ, <VEQnum> is “Direct Dial”.
Click the link to go to Admin > Conference Manager > Shared Number Dialing / <VEQ> to begin
troubleshooting. Ensure that at least one MCU configured in Network > MCU > MCUs has the specified
entry queue configured. See Shared Number Dialing on page 220.
See also:
Alerts on page 342
Alert 6101
Call failed: Preset dialout from conference VMR <VMR> to <destination> failed.
Cause: <cause>
A preset dialout from the conference using the conference room identifier <VMR> has failed for the specified
reason. This alert automatically clears after two minutes.
Click the link to go to the Network > Users page to find the specified VMR number and begin
See also:
Alerts on page 342
Alert 6102
Conference <VMR> on MCU <MCU> failed to start: <reason>.
A conference using the conference room identifier <VMR> has failed to start for the specified reason. If no
MCU was selected, <MCU> is “unresolved”. This alert automatically clears after two minutes.
Click the link to go to the Network > Users page to find the specified VMR number and begin
See also:
Alerts on page 342
Alert 6103
Ongoing conference <VMR> on MCU <MCU> failed: <reason>.
A conference using the conference room identifier <VMR> has been aborted for the specified reason. This
alert automatically clears after two minutes.
Click the link to go to the Network > Users page to find the specified VMR number and begin