Local Cluster Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 70
See also:
Local Cluster Configuration on page 63
Local Cluster Configuration Procedures on page 81
The Polycom RealPresence DMA system is licensed for the number of concurrent calls it can handle and
optionally for API access. See License the Polycom RealPresence DMA System on page 32 for more
information about licensing.
Licenses for the Appliance Edition
The following table describes the fields on the Licenses page when using the Appliance Edition of the
RealPresence DMA system.
Manually set system time We don’t recommend setting time and date manually.
NTP Servers Specify up to three time servers for maintaining system time (we recommend
three). Enter IP addresses or fully qualified domain names.
Field Description
Active License
Licensed calls The maximum number of concurrent calls that the license enables.
Licensed capabilities Currently, the only separately licensed capability is access to the
RealPresence Platform API.
Note: An API license isn't required in order for a Polycom RealPresence
Resource Manager system to access the API. It's only needed for a client
application you or a third party develop.
Licensed capabilities The special features of the Polycom RealPresence DMA system that the
license enables.
Activation Keys
A two-server cluster has two sets of the fields below, one for each server in the cluster.
System serial number The serial number of the specified server.
Activation key The activation key you received from Polycom for this server. The key for
each server must be the correct one for that server’s serial number.
End User License Agreement
Status The state of acceptance of the EULA; if not accepted, this system is unable to
make calls.
User The user who accepted the EULA.
Field Description