Users and Groups
Polycom, Inc. 327
See also:
Users on page 303
Groups on page 325
Enterprise Groups Procedures on page 329
Edit Group Dialog Box
The following table describes the fields in the Edit Group dialog box.
Field Description
Class of service Select to assign the group a class of service other than the system’s default
(see Conference Settings on page 185).
Note: When a device calls a conference room (VMR), the class of service of
the conference room applies to the call, not the class of service of the group,
user, or device.
Maximum bit rate (kbps) If Class of service is selected, specifies the maximum bit rate for the group.
Minimum downspeed bit rate
If Class of service is selected, specifies the minimum bit rate to which the
group’s calls can be reduced (downspeeded).
Conference template Select to assign a template other than the system’s default (see Conference
Settings on page 185).
The template assignment can be made at the conference room level, AD
group level, or system default level. It defines the conference properties (or
links to the Polycom MCU profile) used for its conferences. See Conference
Templates on page 190.
MCU pool order Select to assign the group an MCU pool order other than the system’s default
(see Conference Settings on page 185).
The pool order assignment can be made at the conference room level, AD
group level, or system default level. It’s used to determine which MCU hosts a
conference. See MCU Pool Orders on page 145.
Territory Select to assign the group’s conference rooms to a territory other than the
system’s default (see Conference Settings on page 185).
A conference room’s territory assignment determines which RealPresence
DMA cluster hosts the conference (the primary cluster for the territory, or its
backup cluster if necessary). The assignment can be made at the conference
room level, user level, AD group level, or system default level.
Note: If a user belongs to more than one group, that user’s territory setting is
inherited from the lexically first group (but doesn’t change if the group is
renamed). To be certain that a specific user’s conference rooms are assign to
a specific territory, assign that territory directly to the user. See Edit User
Dialog Box on page 307.