Conference Manager Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 187
Default resource priority value If your organization has implemented a resource prioritization mechanism, set
this to the default priority value assigned to a conference if the specific
conference room (VMR) doesn’t have a higher value. If using a custom
namespace, enter the value in the box to the right of the list.
The string namespace:value is used in the SIP Resource-Priority header of
outbound calls from conference rooms (VMRs).
Default Conference Duration Default maximum duration of a conference (in hours and minutes) or
Unlimited (the maximum in this case depends on the MCU).
Presence Publishing This section allows you to configure Polycom conference contact presence
Publish presence for Polycom
conference contacts
Check this box to make presence status visible for each conference contact in
the Lync 2013 contact window.
Note: This check box affects the option Default Polycom conference
contacts presence settings below.
Lync pool to create / publish to A list of Microsoft SIP peer pools to which the RealPresence DMA system can
publish presence. Select the pool whose clients should see conference
contact presence indications.
A Lync pool will appear in the list if:
• It is defined as an External SIP Peer with type of Microsoft.
• The field Maximum Polycom conference contacts to publish in the
External SIP Peer Lync Integration tab is set to a value greater than zero.
Contact SIP domain The domain portion of the SIP URI that the RealPresence DMA system
creates for a contact (for example, sipdomain.net). The conference contacts
will be created in this domain. If the domain doesn’t exist, it will be created if
the Create Polycom conference contacts check box is enabled.
Note: If there are multiple superclusters that are integrated with a Microsoft®
Lync 2013 environment, be aware that this field should be different for each
supercluster. If this value is the same across multiple superclusters and the
systems are integrated with the same Active Directory, settings changes on
one supercluster could affect other superclusters. When you enable the
Presence Publishing check box on this page and click the Update button to
save the changes, a dialog may appear warning you of this situation.
Create Polycom conference
Only available if Microsoft Active Directory integration is enabled.
When checked, the RealPresence DMA system will create Active Directory
resources for any meeting rooms that have the Presence option enabled.
Note: Once you enable this option and update the page, all existing
conference contacts (VMRs) that do not have the Presence option explicitly
disabled will have an Active Directory contact resource created for
interoperability with Lync 2013. In other words, if you have not changed the
Presence option manually for any VMRs, all VMRs will have corresponding
Active Directory contacts created.
Field Description