Polycom, Inc. 406
(ISO 8601 syntax, where FFF is milliseconds and Z is zero offset)
This is when the last participant left the conference.
userID Conference room (VMR) owner, shown as:
Domain is LOCAL for non-AD users.
If this is a Lync conference, this field is empty.
roomID Conference room (VMR) number or Lync conference ID.
partCount Maximum number of concurrent calls in the conference (high water mark).
Doesn’t include audio-only IVR dial-outs or participants dialed directly into or
out from the MCU without going through the RealPresence DMA sytem.
The following are counted as a single participant:
• A Polycom or Cisco immersive telepresence room using Cisco TIP
• A Polycom ITP room using SIP signaling and the prescribed naming
convention (see Naming ITP Systems Properly for Recognition by the
Polycom RealPresence DMA System on page 95).
classOfService Class of service for the call:
• Gold
• Silver
• Bronze
userDataA The value from the User pass-through to CDR field of the user associated
with the conference room (VMR) (see Edit User Dialog Box on page 307).
userDataB The value from the Conference room pass-through to CDR field of the
conference room (VMR) (see Edit Conference Room Dialog Box on
page 317).
userDataC The conference ID provided via the API, if any.
maxResourcesUsed The maximum number of video and voice ports used for the conference,
reported as follows:
video: <video port count> voice: <voice port count>
Available only for conferences on a RealPresence Collaboration Server or
RMX MCU that provides this information.
Note: Voice calls may use video ports if voice ports aren’t available.
Note: The RealPresence DMA system reports port numbers based on
resource usage for CIF calls. Version 8.1 and later Polycom MCUs report port
numbers based on resource usage for HD720p30 calls. In general, 3 CIF = 1
HD720p30, but it varies depending on bridge/card type and other factors.
See your Polycom RealPresence Collaboration Server or RMX system
documentation for more detailed information about resource usage.
Field Description