Drag a slider to edit automation settings at the cursor position.
The track header controls behave differently depending on the track's automation recording mode:
• When the track automation mode is set to Off, the controls adjust the level of the entire track. In this mode, the automation
envelope is bypassed, and the control does nothing.
• When the track has a controller envelope and the track automation mode is set to Read, the control will follow the envelope
during playback but cannot be adjusted.
• When the track automation mode is set to Touch or Latch, the control edits the envelope setting at the cursor position. If the
track does not have an envelope, an envelope will be added when you adjust the control.
If multiple tracks are selected, all selected tracks are adjusted.
For more information, see Recording automation settings on page 147.
Configuring MIDI track controller automation
You can use the Output Settings tab in the MIDI Track Properties dialog to configure which controllers can be automated; add, remove,
or hide envelopes; set default values; and set each envelope's default fade curve. For more information, see Configuring MIDI track output
settings on page 202.
Resetting a MIDI controller envelope’s points
Perform either of the following actions to reset an envelope's points to their default values:
• Click the down arrow next to the Insert/Hide Envelope button next to the controller's slider in the track header and
choose Reset All Envelope Points.
• Right-click the envelope and choose Reset All from the shortcut menu.
You can set the default value for each continuous controller on the Output Settings tab in the Track Properties dialog. For more
information, see Editing MIDI track properties on page 202.
Deleting a MIDI controller envelope
Click the down arrow next to the Insert/Hide Envelope button next to the controller's slider in the track header and choose
Delete Envelope.
Adding a program change keyframe
If you want to show or hide an envelope without deleting its settings, click the Insert/Hide Envelope button
To add a program change keyframe:
Click the Program button and choose Insert Program Change Keyframe. The program change keyframe row is displayed at the
bottom of the track.
Using the Draw or Envelope tool, double-click in the track's keyframe row to add a keyframe.
To edit a keyframe, double-click it to display the Output Settings tab in the Track Properties window, and then select the patch you
want to assign to the keyframe.
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