Editing video events
You have several video editing options to help you score your video.
Moving video events
Drag the event to a new location along the video track.
Trimming video events
Drag either end of the video event. The video event stays in place, but the beginning or end of the video moves.
You cannot trim the beginning or end of the event past the event’s original end. You cannot trim an event earlier than its starting point
unless the event has been trimmed previously.
Slipping and sliding video events
To help you picture what happens when you slip and slide events, think of an event as a window to a media file. The window can display
the entire media file or a small section. When the window displays only a portion of the media file, you can move either the window or
the underlying media to adjust the media played by an event:
• When you slip an event, your event maintains its place on the timeline, but the media file moves in the direction you drag.
• When you slide an event, the media file maintains its place on the timeline, but the event moves in the direction you drag.
Shifting the contents of video events (slipping)
Hold Alt while dragging the video event to move the position of the video within the event. The event itself does not move.
Slip-trimming video events
Hold Alt while dragging the beginning or end of a video event. The video moves with the event edge, and the opposite edge of the
event remains fixed.
Sliding video events
Hold Ctrl+Alt while dragging the video event to move the event while leaving the video in place. The relative position of the video
changes as when you slip an event.
Using the Video Preview window
The Video Preview window is used to view the video as it plays or to view the frame at the cursor position. To display the Video Preview
window, choose Video Preview from the View menu, or press Alt+4.
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