
Changing tempo, time signature, and key
You can set a tempo, time signature, and key for your ACID project. You can also make adjustments during playback.
You can add specific tempo, time signature, and key changes within a project using tempo/key/time signature change markers. These
markers appear on the marker bar above the track view. When the cursor passes over one of these markers, the master project tempo,
key, and/or time signature changes in real time.
Set the tempo, time signature, and key for the whole project...
...or change these elements dynamically in
the timeline.
Project Tempo slider
Project Tempo
Project Key
Project Time
Changing project tempo
You can change the tempo of a project without affecting the project’s key.
Changing tempo using the Project Tempo slider
Drag the Project Tempo slider at the bottom of the track list. Dragging the slider to the left slows the tempo, while dragging it to the
right speeds the tempo.
Double-click the tempo value next to the Project Tempo slider to enter
an exact value. Press Enter when you are finished.
As you drag the Project Tempo slider, a colored bar appears under each track’s name to represent the amount a track is being stretched
to match the project tempo. The mark in the center of the bar represents the original tempo of a file. When the bar appears to the right
of the mark, the project tempo is faster than the original file; when the bar appears to the left of the mark, the project tempo is slower
than the original file. The amount of change also displays as a percentage at the right end of the bar.
As you drag the slider, a colored bar appears for each track.
Project tempo is faster than
file tempo.
Project tempo is slower
than file tempo.
Project Tempo slider
Changing project tempo to match file tempo
Each track’s shortcut menu contains the option Use Original Tempo. The original tempo of the file used on the track appears to the
right of this option in the shortcut menu. To change the project’s tempo to match the original file tempo, simply choose Use Original
Tempo from the shortcut menu.
90 | CHAPTER 5