Selecting multiple events using the Select Events to End command
Right-clicking an event in the track view and choosing Select Events to End from the shortcut menu selects every event on the track
after the selected event.
You use this command across multiple tracks by holding Ctrl to click events on several tracks and then right-clicking and choosing
Select Events to End from the shortcut menu.
Selecting events that use a specified clip
Perform any of the following actions to select events created from a clip:
• Right-click an event in the timeline and choose Select Events Using This Event's Clip from the shortcut menu to select all events
on the track that use the same clip as the selected event.
• Right-click the timeline, choose Select Events Using Clip, and then choose a clip from the submenu to select all events on the track
that use the specified clip.
• Right-click a clip in the Clip Pool window and choose Select Timeline Events from the shortcut menu.
Selecting events using the Select All command
Choosing Select All from the Edit menu selects all events in a project.
Selecting multiple events using the Selection tool
You can drag the Selection tool across the track view to select events across multiple tracks. This tool allows you to select events using
three methods: vertical, horizontal, and free selection.
Method Description Displays as...
Vertical Allows you to select all events on all Parallel dashed line spanning the
tracks within an interval of time. vertical length of the project.
Horizontal Allows you to select all events on a track Parallel dashed line spanning the
or several adjacent tracks. horizontal length of the project.
Free selection Allows you to select a group of adjacent
Dashed line box.
events on adjacent tracks. This is the
default selection method.
Click the Selection Tool button ( ) or choose Editing Tool from the Edit menu and choose Selection from the submenu.
Place the pointer on the track view. The pointer displays as an arrow with an adjacent dotted box ( ).
Drag the mouse on the track view. A dashed rectangular box appears on the track view and all events within and adjacent to it are
While holding the left mouse button, click and release the right mouse button (referred to as toggle-clicking). The selection
method changes to vertical and again, all events within and adjacent to the selection area are selected.
Toggle-click the mouse once more. The selection method changes to horizontal and all events within and adjacent to the selection
area are selected.
Creating time selections
You are not limited to selecting events. Frequently, you may want to select only audio events occurring within a time selection. You can
do this using the Time Selection tool.
Click the Time Selection Tool button ( ) or choose Editing Tool from the Edit menu and choose Time Selection from the
submenu. The pointer displays with an adjacent cursor ( ).
Drag the mouse in the track view. The selection area is highlighted on the track view.
Release the mouse button. A time selection is created and all events within it are selected.
If the selection area is automatically snapping to the track view’s grid lines, the ACID snapping feature is turned on. You can turn
snapping off by pressing F8.