Event parameters
The table below describes the editable event parameters for different event types.
Event type Editable parameter Description
After Touch Start Time Time (in measures.beats.ticks) where you want the event to begin.
Channel MIDI channel (1-16) where you want to send the event.
Pressure Amount of vibrato (0-127) you want to apply to each voice on the channel.
Control Start Time Time (in measures.beats.ticks) where you want the event to begin.
Channel MIDI channel (1-16) where you want to send the event.
Controller Change Displays the number of the current controller change type. Choose a
Number controller change type from the drop-down list to the right of the Event
type drop-down.
Controller Change Value Controller value.
Note Start Time Time (in measures.beats.ticks) where you want the event to begin.
Channel MIDI channel (1-16) where you want to send the event.
Note Numeric value of the note you want to play. For more information, see
MIDI notes and frequencies on page 220.
On Velocity Speed of the note’s attack (0-127). Low values produce a soft attack; high
values produce a strong attack.
Off Velocity Speed of the note's release (0-127). Low values produce a soft release; high
values produce a staccato release.
Duration Length of the note’s sustain in measures.beats.ticks.
Packed NRPN* Start Time Time (in measures.beats.ticks) where you want the event to begin.
Channel MIDI channel (1-16) where you want to send the event.
NRP MSB Parameter’s most significant byte.
NRP LSB Parameter’s least significant byte.
Data MSB Value for the most significant byte.
Data LSB Value for the least significant byte.
Packed RPN** Start Time Time (in measures.beats.ticks) where you want the event to begin.
Channel MIDI channel (1-16) where you want to send the event.
NRP MSB Parameter’s most significant byte.
NRP LSB Parameter’s least significant byte.
Data MSB Value for the most significant byte.
Data LSB Value for the least significant byte.
Patch Start Time Time (in measures.beats.ticks) where you want the event to begin.
Channel MIDI channel (1-16) where you want to send the event.
Bank LSB Least significant byte value for the bank.
Bank MSB Most significant byte value for the bank.
Patch Number of the patch you want to play.
Pitch Bend Start Time Time (in measures.beats.ticks) where you want the event to begin.
Pitch +/- Number of cents by which you want to bend the pitch.
Poly Pressure Start Time Time (in measures.beats.ticks) where you want the event to begin.
Channel MIDI channel (1-16) where you want to send the event.
Note Note to which you want to apply pressure.
Pressure Pressure (0-127) you want to apply to the note. Most devices will apply
more vibrato to a note as the pressure increases.
Program Start Time Time (in measures.beats.ticks) where you want the event to begin.
Channel MIDI channel (1-16) where you want to send the event.
Patch Number of the new patch you want to play.
*Packed nonregistered parameter numbers (NRPN) are used to adjust settings such as vibrato and filtering, but are not
part of the General MIDI specification. Refer to your MIDI device’s documentation for more information about the
required parameters.
**Packed registered parameter numbers (RPN) are used to adjust common settings such as pitch wheel range.