The glossary contains terms and their definitions that you may come across in the manual. This glossary not only includes
terms associated with ACID® software, but also includes relevant industry terms.
.acd-zip An ACID project file that contains all information regarding the project including track
layout, envelope settings, and effects parameters. In addition, all audio files used in the
project are embedded into the project file.
Activation Code This number is based on the Computer ID number of the computer on which the software
is installed. Each computer has a unique number, similar to a license plate. When you
register your copy of the software, Sony generates an activation code for you based on
the Computer ID number. Once you enter the activation code, the ACID application will
not time out. Since the activation number is based on the Computer ID, it is important
that you have the software installed on the computer where you will be using it.
Adaptive Delta Pulse
Code Modulation
A method of compressing audio data. Although the theory for compression using ADPCM
is standard, there are many different algorithms employed. For example, Microsoft's
ADPCM algorithm is not compatible with the International Multimedia Association’s (IMA)
approved ADPCM.
Advanced Streaming
Format (ASF)
Windows Media® Format.
Aliasing A type of distortion that occurs when digitally recording high frequencies with a low
sample rate. For example, in a motion picture, when a car's wheels appear to slowly spin
backward while the car is quickly moving forward, you are seeing the effects of aliasing.
Similarly, when you try to record a frequency greater than one half of the sampling rate
(the Nyquist Frequency), instead of hearing a high pitch, you may hear a low-frequency
To prevent aliasing, an anti-aliasing filter is used to remove high-frequencies before
recording. Once the sound has been recorded, aliasing distortion is impossible to remove
without also removing other frequencies from the sound. This same anti-aliasing filter
must be applied when resampling to a lower sample rate.
ASIO ASIO™ (Audio Stream In/Out) is a low-latency driver model developed by Steinberg Media
Technologies AG.
ASX File
ASF Stream Redirector file. See Redirector File.
Attack The attack of a sound is the initial portion of the sound. Percussive sounds (drums, piano,
guitar plucks) are said to have a fast attack. This means that the sound reaches its
maximum amplitude in a very short time. Sounds that slowly swell up in volume (soft
strings and wind sounds) are said to have a slow attack.
Attenuation A decrease in the level of a signal.
Audio Compression
Manager (ACM)
The Audio Compression Manager from Microsoft® is a standard interface for audio
compression and signal processing for Microsoft Windows. The ACM can be used by
Windows programs to compress and decompress WAV files.
Audio Interchange File
Format (AIFF)
An audio file format developed by Apple®.
Audio Proxy File (.sfap0)
Proxy File.
Bandwidth When discussing audio equalization, each frequency band has a width associated with it
that determines the range of frequencies that are affected by the EQ. An EQ band with a
wide bandwidth affects a wider range of frequencies than one with a narrow bandwidth.
When discussing network connections, refers to the rate of signals transmitted; the
amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time (stated in bits/second):
a 56 Kbps network connection is capable of receiving 56,000 bits of data per second.
Beatmapped track A file that has tempo information added to it as a result of going through the
Beatmapper® Wizard.