
Deleting points, 143
Drawing points, 143
Envelope tool, 144
Event, 65
Flipping, 144
Thinning points, 143
Track, 112–146
Track envelopes, 142–145
Volume (track), 142
Equipment setup for recording, 179–180
Basic, 179
Mixer, 179
With digital multitrack, 180
With MIDI option, 180
Erasing events, 37, 299
Event takes
Recording audio as new, 182
Automatic crossfades, 60
Changing a clip, 103
Changing length, 36
Changing pitch, 93
Copying, 55
Copying across tracks, 102
Cutting, 57, 61
Deleting, 57, 62
Editing in ripple mode, 61
Envelopes, 65
Erasing, 37
Fading edges for offsets, 65
Fading in and out, 66
Inserting at the play cursor, 36
Joining, 60
Locking, 65
MIDI editing, 37
Moving, 37
Muting, 65
Painting, 35
Pasting, 55, 63
Pitch shifting, 64
Properties, 64
Recording into, 183
Reversing, 57
Sections, 66
Selecting, 38–40
Shifting the contents of, 64
Sliding, 64
Slipping, 64
Slip-trimming, 64
Snapping, 89
Splitting, 58
Start offset, 64
Trimming, 57
Volume, 66
Explorer window, 30–32
Exporting loops, 130
Exporting MIDI, 228
External Control & Automation Preferences, 265
External devices
Playing MIDI from, 222
Routing MIDI tracks to, 222
Routing video to, 234
External monitor, 234
Extracting media from CD, 32
Fading edges of events, 65
Fading in/out
Events, 66
Tracks, 112–146
Film panning model, 242
Filtering MIDI, 198
Filtering MIDI events
In the list editor, 218
Fitting to time, 94
Flipping envelopes, 144
Floating windows, 248
Folder tracks, 35, 128
Adding tracks, 128
Creating, 128
Editing events, 129
Muting, 129
Removing tracks, 129
Soloing, 129
Frame numbering, 231
Freeze Track, 19
Freezing MIDI tracks, 188
Frontier TranzPort, 267
Adjusting panning, 284
Adjusting volume, 284
Editing input device, 285
Editing output device, 285
Viewing control maps, 283
General preferences tab, 254
Generic control surface setup, 229, 283, 285
Generic controller, 267
Generic MIDI controller
Custom control maps, 285
Loading control maps, 286
Setting up a generic control surface, 286
Glossary, 311
Go to, 38
Obtaining or editing CD information, 33
Grid, 249
Groove Pool window, 24
INDEX | iii