
Setting an event’s volume envelope
You can control an event’s overall volume by setting an envelope at the desired decibel (dB) level.
Place the mouse pointer at the top of the event. The envelope cursor ( ) appears.
Drag the volume line to the desired level. As you drag the volume line, the event’s decibel level is displayed.
Release the mouse to set the event’s dB level.
After you set the event volume level, you may change it later by dragging the envelope line.
Setting an event’s fade-in and -out envelope curve
You can control an event’s envelope fade-in and -out characteristics by adjusting the event’s envelope handles. These handles allow
you to control the length and dB level of fade-ins and fade-outs. Also, you can change the type of curve that the event uses to control
the volume’s fade characteristics.
Place the mouse pointer on the upper corner of the event. The envelope cursor ( ) appears.
Drag the envelope cursor and position the envelope curve. As you drag the cursor, the following information is displayed:
The event decibel level.
The length (in measures.beats.ticks) of the fade-in or fade-out.
Release the mouse to set the fade-in or fade-out characteristics.
Changing the event’s fade curve type
You can set an event’s fade curves (fast, linear, slow, smooth, or sharp) that are used to raise or lower the volume over time. Right-click
the fade region, select Fade In Type or Fade Out Type from the shortcut menu, and choose the appropriate fade curve from the
Using sections
With sections, you can create different arrangements using simple drag-and-drop operations.
Each section header above the timeline represents a segment of your project. When you drag a section header to a new location of the
timeline, all events, envelopes, regions, markers, and commands within the section follow.
66 | CHAPTER 3