LG Electronics U8290 Cell Phone User Manual

3. When configuration is complete, press the Done key
to complete the e-mail account configuration.
4.9.5 Voice mail
You can insert or modify voice mail centre.
4.9.6 Push message
You can configure method for download that push
- To receive push message, you can select one of
On”, “Off”.
- To use or not use auto download option, you can
select one of “On”, “Off”.
- To add allowed list and set as default centre, you can
set the allowed list and add allowed list number.
4.9.7 Cell broadcast
In this setting, you can insert or modify your channel
Also, you can change the reception status.
1. Receive
2. Auto download
1. On Receive all push messages.
2. Off Does not receive all push messages.
1.On The push message is downloaded
2 Off To download the push message, use user