Samsung SGH-i320 Cell Phone User Manual

Photo Size
: allows you to select an image size.
Photo Quality
: allows you to select an image quality.
White Balance
: allows you to select the white balance
mode to adjust the colour balance of photos.
Shutter Sound
: allows you to select a sound for the
shutter release.
Default Name
: allows you to change the default prefix
of photo names.
: You can customise the settings for
Camcorder mode
Video Size
: allows you to select an video frame size.
Video Quality
: allows you to select an image quality.
White Balance
: allows you to select the white balance
mode to adjust the colour balance of videos.
Default Name
: allows you to change the default prefix
of video names.
: You can check view the functions assigned to
the keys in Camera mode or Camcorder mode.
: You can check the copyright information of the
Camera application.