BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
88 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
Explanation: During initialization, BATCH CONTROL FACILITY (BCF) found
that the region type was not an IMS batch region.
System Action: If the IMS version of DFSRRC00 can be found and loaded
successfully, control returns to IMS and the job continues processing. If the IMS
version cannot be loaded, the job step terminates abnormally.
User Response: The region type specified for the job step execution was not DLI,
DBB, or ULU. If the region type was correctly specified and the job does not
continue processing as a result of this error, either remove the BCF library from the
job step’s JOBLIB/STEPLIB specification to prevent BCF from attempting
initialization or include the IMS version of DFSRRC00 in the job’s
JOBLIB/STEPLIB concatenation.
Explanation: During execution, BATCH CONTROL FACILITY (BCF) found
that the application terminated abnormally after database updates had occurred. IMS
did not attempt to perform the IMS dynamic backout process after the abnormal
termination of the application. This message is not present unless FULL has been
specified for the Job Log Messages option.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.
The IMS dynamic backout process might have been effective, but it was not invoked.
This message indicates that no form of the IMS dynamic backout process was
requested for job step execution. Refer to the BATCH CONTROL FACILITY
Reference Manual for more information on the use of the IMS dynamic backout
process. This message does not imply that the IMS dynamic backout process would
have been invoked; it only states that it was not.
Explanation: During execution, BATCH CONTROL FACILITY (BCF) found
that the application terminated abnormally after database updates had occurred. IMS
attempted to perform dynamic backout, but the dynamic backout process did not
complete successfully.
System Action: BCF may attempt IMS batch backout for the failed job step.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.
The IMS dynamic backout process was invoked, but it did not complete successfully.
The job log data set for the job step execution may contain additional information
regarding the reason for dynamic backout failure.