BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
124 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
7 MVS/XA or below
8 incorrect Batch Backout Assist request (internal error)
9 unable to obtain I/O buffer for Batch Backout Assist processing
System Action: For all conditions, control returns to native IMS Batch Backout.
For return code 2, verify that BCF is authorized to execute on the processor on which
it failed. If you are using a trial copy, verify that the expiration date has not passed.
The job log may contain additional messages.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.
BMC48049I DSPACE = data space, 1ST SEQ#=begin seq#, LAST SEQ#=ending
seq#, CHKPT ID=log checkpoint id, CHKPT SEQ#=seq# of checkpoint
Explanation: This informational message contains execution-time diagnostic
data during the read forward operation. This information is produced when ASSIST
DD DUMMY is present during execution time as the program encounters a
checkpoint ID log record. The data space refers to the data space number to which
this checkpoint log record is being saved. The begin seq# is the sequence number of
the first log record in the given data space. The ending seq# is the sequence number
of the last log record in the given data space. The log checkpoint id is the checkpoint
ID that the application program issued. The seq# of checkpoint record is the log
sequence number of the checkpoint log record.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.
The diagnostics can become voluminous if many checkpoints were made during the
application program execution.
Explanation: The BATCH CONTROL FACILITY (BCF) Automatic Batch
Backout feature performed a backout for an application that has abended and a
subsequent step in the current job meets the following condition: A
parameter exists on an EXEC statement.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.
It indicates that a subsequent job step contains the
COND=ONLY specification. When
the step executes under the control of BCF, any requests for batch backout will be
bypassed. Message BMC48051I follows immediately after this message. In addition,
message BMC48052I is issued from any job step that is bypassed.