BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC44200–BMC44299 91
Explanation: An error has occurred from which the execution controller cannot
recover. Manual intervention is required before the job step can be restarted.
Note: When this message is written to the job log data set, it appears in a box to
highlight the need for manual assistance with the job step.
The following process values are possible:
job step restart processing (the need for backout or recovery has not yet
been determined)
database backout processing using the IMS Batch Backout utility
log data set recovery using the IMS Log Recovery utility
TERM normal execution controller termination processing
The following reason (rc) values are possible:
1 Restart required log data set information from a prior execution, but the
REGISET did not contain the log data set record(s).
2 The job step was restarted after a previous execution, and IMS batch
backout is needed. The prior and/or current execution options for the job
step specified NO for the Automatic Batch Backout option.
5 During restart processing, the IMS Batch Backout utility could not be
executed successfully. Successful execution of the IMS Batch Backout
utility must occur before restart can continue. If allowed to continue,
database integrity might be jeopardized.
6 During restart processing, the IMS Log Recovery utility could not be
executed successfully. Successful execution of the IMS Log Recovery
utility must occur before restart can continue. If allowed to continue,
database integrity might be jeopardized.
7 The job step was restarted, and either the current or previous execution
specified the Discard Logging option as YES. The execution controller will
not attempt restart when this condition is detected. Creating a restartable
environment is your responsibility when Discard Logging is specified as