BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC74200–BMC74299 199
02 An invalid condition was detected for the ASAM data set that was being
repositioned during restart. See the return code (rc) field for additional
information about the invalid condition that was detected.
The return code (rc) provides additional information about why restart failed:
01 A data set present in the previous execution was missing from this
02 This execution contains a data set not present in the previous execution
because a new file characteristics block (FCB) was added.
03 A data set present in this execution does not reside on the same device
category (DASD, tape, SYSIN, SYSOUT, and so on) as the original data
04 The data set being repositioned does not have the same block size as the
original data set.
05 The data set being repositioned does not have the same record format as the
original data set.
06 The data set being repositioned requires a block count restart for correct
repositioning, but the application issued a
GU call during the previous
execution. The use of the
GU call prevents AR/CTL from doing a block
count restart.
07 Since the job step abended, the number of concatenated data sets has been
reduced to one, causing the subsequent restart to fail. After a job step
abends, the number of concatenated data sets can increase before a restart
occurs, but the number cannot decrease.
08 The number of data sets in the concatenation is less than in the previous
09 The data set cannot be repositioned because it is empty or does not contain
the number of records needed for repositioning.
0A The data set cannot be repositioned because an I/O error was encountered
while AR/CTL was trying to read the first or second block.
System Action: Processing terminates abnormally.
User Response: Correct the problem identified by the reason and return codes in
the message. Have the job step listing available if you contact BMC Software
Product Support.