BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
Abend Codes 15
R4 The address of the DCB that was passed to the intercept routine.
R15 The abend subcode that identifies the condition that the intercept routine
found unacceptable:
4 The DCB passed to the routine did not contain valid codes.
8 The AR/CTL directory could not be located.
C The AR/CTL local control area (LCA) could not be located.
10 The AR/CTL get/put intercept routines could not be located, or a
status code was received from an internally generated call
(message BMC74235I contains the status code).
U1774 The application sequential access method (ASAM) processor of APPLICATION
RESTART CONTROL (AR/CTL) has detected that an ASAM staging area is full. In
the file characteristics block (FCB) for the data set, the staging error option
(STGERR) is set to ABEND.
System Action: Processing terminates.
User Response: Check the AR/CTL messages issued during the job step for details
about the cause of the error and the action to take.
U1775 The virtual storage access method (VSAM) processor of APPLICATION RESTART
CONTROL (AR/CTL) has detected an VSAM restart error.
System Action: Processing terminates.
User Response: Check the AR/CTL messages issued during the job step for details
about the cause of the error and the action to take.
U1776 APPLICATION RESTART CONTROL (AR/CTL) detected that the application
issued a DB2* request before connection to the DB2 subsystem was complete or that
problems were encountered with the DB2 subsystem.
System Action: AR/CTL issues a diagnostic message. Processing terminates.
User Response: Check the AR/CTL messages issued during the job step for details
about the cause of the error and the action to take.
U1777 APPLICATION RESTART CONTROL (AR/CTL) detected that the application
issued a DB2 request but that no non-IMS program registration record, subsystem
member, or DDITV02 statement was present.
System Action: AR/CTL backs out uncommitted changes to application sequential
access method (ASAM) data sets, issues message BMC74323, and abnormally
terminates the job step with abend U1777 and reason code X’00074323’.
User Response: Provide the correct external subsystem connection parameters by
supplying the subsystem member name in the parameter field of the EXEC statement
or in a DD statement named DDITV02.