190-00357-00 Rev H
31nm (from airport)
9. As mentioned in the missed approach example,
the Default NAV Page displays a timer or
distance, as appropriate, during the holding
pattern. Use this timer or distance to fly the
outbound portion of the holding pattern. (The
holding pattern is displayed on the Map Page
and indicated as the active leg on the Default
NAV and Active Flight Plan pages.)
While flying the holding pattern, a timer appears on the De-
fault NAV Page. Use the timer to fly the one minute outbound
portion of the pattern.
NOTE: If you need to lose extra altitude or speed
by going around the holding pattern again, press
OBS to manually suspend waypoint sequencing
BEFORE crossing the holding waypoint the sec-
ond time. If you’ve already passed this waypoint,
re-activate the holding pattern using the shortcut
steps described in Section 4 - “To activate a
specific leg of the active flight plan”.
10. As you approach BODRY intersection from
within the holding pattern, a waypoint alert
(”Next DTK 209°”) appears in the lower right
corner of the screen.
11. When within 45° of the final approach course
and the FAF is the TO waypoint, the 500W-
series unit switches from terminal mode to
approach mode. CDI scaling is tightened from
1.0 NM full scale deflection to either 0.3 NM
or 2° full scale deflection whichever is less at
the FAF. The change occurs over 2 NM and is
completed by the FAF.
12. As you approach the FAF, a waypoint alert in
the lower right corner (“Next DTK 210° in x
sec”) appears. Make any course adjustments
necessary for the final course segment (FAF to
As you approach the FAF, the “Next DTK 210°
in x sec” waypoint alert appears in the lower
right corner of the screen.
Approach with Hold