190-00357-00 Rev H
TAWS reduced protection key is stuck — The external
TAWS reduced protection key is stuck.
TCAD altitude data invalid — If the Ryan TCAD has
an altitude failure, the TCAD will announce an altitude
failure aurally (“TCAD ALTITUDE DATA INVALID”) but
continue operating. The relative altitude for the targets will
be invalid.
TCAD device needs service — The GDL 88 is reporting
that the external traffic system has a low battery.
TERRAIN configuration conflict — The current TAWS/
Terrain configuration is not supported by the hardware.
The TAWS hardware may have failed, or the unit may
be misconfigured. The unit’s terrain capabilities will be
downgraded to “Terrain” instead of “TAWS”. Contact your
Garmin dealer for service.
TERRAIN configuration has changed — The unit’s ter-
rain/TAWS settings have changed since it was last turned on
in normal mode. Contact your Garmin dealer for service.
Terrain database integrity error — The 500W-series unit
has detected a problem with a database on the TAWS/Ter-
rain data card. The data is not usable and the card should
be returned to your Garmin dealer for service.
TERRAIN has failed — The unit has detected a failure
in the terrain system. The most likely cause is a missing
or corrupt Terrain database. Terrain functionality is not
available. If the Terrain database is not the cause, the unit
should be returned to your Garmin dealer for service.
Timer has expired — The count down timer has reached
Traffic device has failed — The
500W-series unit
communicate with the SKY497 or TCAD and/or the SKY497
or TCAD is reporting a system failure.
Traffic device needs service — the traffic device is report-
ing a system failure.
The unit may still be usable, but should
be returned (at your earliest convenience) to your Garmin
dealer for service.
True north approach - Change Mag Var HDG to true
— The selected approach requires navigation information
be referenced to true north. In the AUX function, change
Heading Mode to “true.”
User card format unknown — A data card has been
inserted, but the format of the card is not recognized.
User Magnetic Variation is active – Note that “User” is
selected on the AUX -- Units/Mag Var page and the mag-
netic variation value provided on that page is being used.
VLOC has failed — The GNS 530W has detected a failure
in its VLOC receiver. The VLOC receiver is not available
and the unit should be returned to your Garmin dealer for
VLOC is not responding — (GNS 530W only) Internal
system-to-system communication between the main proces-
sor and the VLOC receiver has failed. Operational status
of the VLOC receiver is unknown and the unit should be
returned to your Garmin dealer for service.
VLOC needs service — (GNS 530W only) The unit has
detected a failure in its VLOC receiver. The VLOC receiver
may still be usable, but the unit should be returned (at your
earliest convenience) to your Garmin dealer for service.
VLOC remote transfer key is stuck — (GNS 530W
only) The remote VLOC transfer switch is stuck in the
enabled (or “pressed”) state. Try pressing the switch again
to cycle its operation. If the message persists, contact your
Garmin dealer for assistance.
VLOC transfer key stuck — (GNS 530W only) The
VLOC flip-flop key is stuck in the enabled (or “pressed”)
state. Try pressing the VLOC flip-flop key again to cycle
its operation. If the message persists, contact your Garmin
dealer for assistance.
Waypoint already exists — The name you have entered
for a user waypoint already exists in memory.
Waypoint(s) have been replaced — One or more user way-
points were updated during a unit-to-unit crossfill operation.