190-00357-00 Rev H
Airport Frequencies
Airport Frequency Page
The Airport Frequency Page displays radio fre-
quencies and frequency types for the selected airport,
as well as sector and altitude restrictions (where
applicable). If the selected airport has a localizer-based
approach, the localizer frequency(s) is also listed on
the Airport Frequency Page. The Airport Frequency
Page may be used to quickly select and tune a COM or
VLOC frequency.
Listed communication frequencies include
ATIS, clearance delivery, ground control,
tower, unicom, approach and departure. The
“RX” next to ATIS identifies it as a “receive
only” frequency.
Navigation frequencies for ILS and localizer
(LOC) also appear on the list. A reversed “c”
is to the left of CTAF frequencies.
To scroll through the frequency list and tune to a
desired frequency on the list (tuning is only available
with the GNS 530W or 530AW):
Identifier, Symbol
and Type
Frequency Type
Third Page in
WPT Group
information is
1. Press the small right knob to activate the
2. Turn the large right knob to scroll through the
list, placing the cursor on the desired frequency.
If there are more frequencies in the list than can
be displayed on the screen, a scroll bar along
the right-hand side of the screen indicates
where you are within the list.
3. Press ENT to place the selected frequency
in the standby field of the COM or VLOC
4. To remove the flashing cursor, press the small
right knob.
Some listed frequencies may include designations
for limited usage, as follows:
“TX” - transmit only
“RX” - receive only
“PT” - part time frequency
If a listed frequency has sector or altitude restrictions,
the frequency is preceded by an “Info?” designation.