190-00357-00 Rev H
13. As you cross the FAF, the destination sequences
to the MAP (“RW21”, the runway threshold).
With the needle centered, fly toward the MAP,
observing the altitude minimums dictated by
the approach plate.
NOTE: When viewing the Map Page, you’ll note
that the final course segment is displayed in ma-
genta — the active leg of the flight plan always
appears in magenta — and a dashed line extends
the course beyond the MAP. Do NOT follow
this extended course. Instead, follow published
missed approach procedures.
14. As you near the MAP, a waypoint alert (“Arriv-
ing at waypoint”) appears in the lower right
CDI scaling continues to tighten from
0.3 NM to 350 feet, full-scale deflection.
As you approach the MAP, the “Arriving at
waypoint” waypoint alert appears in the
lower right corner of the screen.
15. As you cross the MAP, “SUSP” appears
above the OBS key, indicating that automatic
sequencing of approach waypoints is sus-
pended at the MAP. A “from” indication is
displayed on the CDI and Default NAV Page,
but course guidance along the final approach
course continues. If a missed approach is
required, use the OBS key to initiate the missed
approach sequence.
DME Arc Approach