190-00357-00 Rev H
The current time and date are automatically
offered for departure time and date. To ac-
cept either automatic selection, simply press
ENT when the selection is highlighted.
7. The flashing cursor moves to the ground speed
(GS) field. Use the small and large right
knobs to override the current ground speed
(and enter a planning figure). Press ENT when
finished. (To return ground speed reading to
current conditions, highlight the ground speed
[GS] field, press CLR, then press ENT.)
8. With all variables entered, the following infor-
mation is provided:
•DIS— Distancetowaypoint
•ETE— Estimatedtimeenroute
•ESA— Enroutesafealtitude
•ETA— Estimatedtimeofarrival
•Sunrise/Sunset times at the destination
To calculate density altitude, true airspeed, winds
1. Select “Density Alt / TAS / Winds” from the
Flight Planning Page.
2. The flashing cursor highlights the indicated alti-
tude (IND ALT) field. Use the small and large
right knobs to enter the altitude indicated on
your altimeter. Press ENT when finished.
Use the small and large right knobs to enter
the indicated altitude.
3. The flashing cursor moves to the calibrated
airspeed (CAS) field. Use the small and large
right knobs to enter the airspeed from your
airspeed indicator. Press ENT when finished.
4. The flashing cursor moves to the barometric
pressure (BARO) field. Use the small and
large right knobs to enter the barometric
pressure (altimeter setting). Press ENT when
5. The flashing cursor moves to the total air tem-
perature (TAT) field. Use the small and large
right knobs to enter the temperature. Press
ENT when finished.
Flight Planning