
190-00357-00 Rev H
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes
WARNING: The altitude calculated by the 500W-series
is geometric height above mean sea level and could
vary significantly from altitude displayed by pressure
altimeters in aircraft.
WARNING: The Jeppesen database incorporated in
the 500W-series must be updated regularly in order
to ensure that its information is current. Updates are
released every 28 days. A database information packet
is included in your 500W-series package. Pilots using
an out-of-date database do so entirely at their own
WARNING: VNAV is to be used for advisory purposes
only. VNAV messages or vertical speed required should
not be used to maintain terrain or ATC clearances. Ter-
rain and ATC clearances are the sole responsibility of
the pilot.
WARNING: Do not use GPS to navigate to any active
waypoint identified as a “NON WGS84 WPT” by a
system message. “NON WGS84 WPT” waypoints are
derived from an unknown map reference datum that
may be incompatible with the map reference datum
used by GPS (known as WGS84) and may be positioned
in error as displayed.
WARNING: Do not use data link weather information
for maneuvering in, near, or around areas of hazard-
ous weather. Information contained within data link
weather products may not accurately depict current
weather conditions.
WARNING: Do not use the indicated data link
weather product age to determine the age of the
weather information shown by the data link weather
product. Due to time delays inherent in gathering and
processing weather data for data link transmission, the
weather information shown by the data link weather
product may be significantly older than the indicated
weather product age.
CAUTION: The Global Positioning System is operated
by the United States government, which is solely re-
sponsible for its accuracy and maintenance. The system
is subject to changes which could affect the accuracy
and performance of all GPS equipment. Although the
Garmin 500W-series are precision electronic NAViga-
tion AIDs (NAVAID), any NAVAID can be misused or
misinterpreted and therefore become unsafe.
CAUTION: Use the
at your own risk. To
reduce the risk of unsafe operation, carefully review
and understand all aspects of this Owner’s Manual and
the Flight Manual Supplement, and thoroughly practice
basic operation prior to actual use. When in actual use,
carefully compare indications from the
all available navigation sources, including the informa-
tion from other NAVAIDS, visual sightings, charts, etc. For
safety, always resolve any discrepancies before continu-
ing navigation.
CAUTION: GPS receivers operate by receiving and
decoding very low power radio signals broadcast by
satellites. It is possible that in some situations other
radio equipment or electronic equipment used in close
proximity to a GPS receiver may create electromagnetic
interference (EMI) which may affect the ability of the
GPS receiver to receive and decode the satellite signals.
In such event, the interference may be reduced or
eliminated by switching off the source of interference
or moving the GPS receiver away from it.
CAUTION: The electronic chart is an aid to naviga-
tion and is designed to facilitate the use of authorized
government charts, not replace them. Land and water
data is provided only as a general reference to your
surroundings. The positional accuracy of the land and
water data is not of a precision suitable for use in
navigation and it should not be used for navigation.
Only official government charts and notices contain
all information needed for safe navigation – and, as
always, the user is responsible for their prudent use.
CAUTION: The Terrain feature (in units not equipped
with TAWS) is for supplemental awareness only. The
pilot/crew is responsible for all terrain and obstacle
avoidance using information not provided by the
500W-series Terrain feature.
CAUTION: The Garmin 500W-series does not contain
any user-serviceable parts. Repairs should only
be made by an authorized Garmin service center.
Unauthorized repairs or modifications could void your
warranty and authority to operate this device under
FCC Part 15 regulations.
Warnings, Cautions, and Notes