190-00357-00 Rev H
Section 7
NRST Pages
NRST Page Group
Section 2 introduced the 500W-series unit main page groups — NAV, WPT, AUX, NRST — and described
each page in the NAV group. This fourth page group (NRST) provides detailed information for the 25 nearest
airports, VORs, NDBs, intersections and user waypoints within 200 NM of your current position. In addition, the
NRST pages include the five nearest Flight Service Station (FSS) and center (ARTCC/FIR) points of communica-
tion and alert you to any Special Use (SUA) or Controlled Airspace you may be in or near.
In the GPS 500W, press NRST. In the GNS
530W, to display one of the NRST pages, start
from any main page — or press and hold CLR
to display the Default NAV Page...
Nearest Airport
Nearest Intersection
Nearest NDB
Nearest VOR
Nearest User
Nearest ARTCC
Nearest Flight Service
Nearest Airspace
5+ available pages
(see Section 2)
10 available pages
(see Section 6)
4 available pages
(see Section 9)
8 available pages
(see list below)
...then, turn the large right knob to select the
NRST page group, as indicated by “NRST” at
the bottom of the screen. Turn the small right
knob to select the desired page within the
NRST Page Group