190-00357-00 Rev H
Basic Approach Operations
The 500W series provides precision vertical guid-
ance and non-precision advisory guidance using its
built in GPS receiver. The moving map pages can also
be used as a supplemental aid to situational awareness
for ILS, VOR, and NDB approaches (and non-preci-
sion localizer-based approaches), but the appropriate
navigational aid MUST be used for primary approach
course guidance.
Approaches designed specifically for GPS are often
very simple and don’t require overflying a VOR or
NDB. Currently, many non-precision approaches have
“GPS overlays” to let you fly an existing procedure
(VOR, VOR/DME, NDB, RNAV, etc.) more accurately
using GPS. To date, there are over 2,400 GPS-only
approaches and over 2,900 GPS overlay approaches
Many overlay approaches are more complex (in
comparison to GPS-only approaches). The 500W-
series unit displays and guides you through each leg
of the approach — automatically sequencing through
each of these legs, up to the missed approach point
(MAP). Approaches may be flown “as published” with
the full transition — using any published feeder route
or initial approach fix (IAF) — or may be flown with a
vectors-to-final transition.
Flight mode annunciations are provided in the
lower left corner of the display indicating the current
mode of flight.
Annunciation Description
LPV Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance
(LPV) approach. Fly to LPV minimums. A yel-
low background indicates that the approach
is safe to continue but a downgrade to LNAV
may occur.
LP Localizer Performance with no vertical guid-
ance. Fly to LP minimums.
SW V 3.30, or later.
L/VNAV Lateral Navigation and Vertical Navigation
(LNAV/VNAV) approach. Fly to LNAV/VNAV
LNAV+V GPS approach using published LNAV minima.
Advisory vertical guidance is provided.
LNAV Lateral Navigation approach. Fly to LNAV
MAPR Missed Approach indicates the system is
providing missed approach integrity and CDI
full-scale deflection ±0.3 NM.
ENR En route, CDI full-scale deflection is 2.0 NM
or current CDI scale selection, whichever is
TERM Terminal, CDI full-scale deflection is 1.0 NM
or current CDI scale selection, whichever is
DPRT Departure, indicates the system is using non-
precision approach integrity. HAL = 0.3 and
CDI full-scale deflection is 0.3 NM.
OCN Oceanic, CDI full-scale deflection is 2.0 NM.
(lower window)
For LNAV+V, LNAV/VNAV, or LPV approaches,
the LOW ALT annunciation indicates the
aircraft’s estimated height is lower than the
Final Approach Waypoint height by more than
the current VPL plus 50 meters. This annuncia-
tion will not be active when TAWS or Terrain
is operational.
Basic Approach Operations