190-00357-00 Rev H
31 nm (from airport)
Billard Muni (Topeka, KS)
VOR Rwy 22
3. Within 31 NM of KTOP, the 500W-series unit
switches from en route mode to terminal
mode and the CDI scale transitions from 2.0
to 1.0 NM, full scale deflection.
4. If you haven’t already activated the approach
(in step #2), be sure to do so when cleared for
the approach.
If you’ve loaded the approach, but not activated it, press PROC
and select “Activate Approach?”.
NOTE: Since this is not a GPS approach, the pilot
should be using the VLOC receiver, tuned to the correct
VOR (TOP) for navigation. However, as an example,
operation is essentially identical.
5. As you approach the IAF (D258G/LEBVY), a
waypoint alert (“Left to 353° in x sec”) appears
in the lower right corner of the screen. As the
distance (DIS) to the IAF approaches zero, the
alert is replaced by a turn advisory (“Turn to
353° now”).
6. Follow the arc, keeping the CDI needle cen-
tered. When using an autopilot, the course
select on the CDI (or HSI) must be periodically
updated with the desired track (DTK) to ensure
proper tracking through the arc. Whenever the
course select setting and desired track differ by
more than 10°, a “Set course to ###°” mes-
sage appears on the Message Page.
As you fly the DME arc, “Set Course to ###°”
alerts you to periodically adjust the course
select on the external CDI (or HSI).
DME Arc Approach