190-00357-00 Rev H
Baro-Corrected Altitude
Baro-corrected altitude (or indicated altitude) is derived
by adjusting the altimeter setting for local atmospheric
conditions. The most accurate baro-corrected altitude
can be achieved by frequently updating the altimeter
setting to the nearest reporting station along the flight
path. However, because actual atmosphere conditions
seldom match the standard conditions defined by the
International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) model (where
pressure, temperature, and lapse rates have fixed values),
it is common for the baro-corrected altitude (as read
from the altimeter) to differ from the GSL altitude. This
variation results in the aircraft’s true altitude differing from
the baro-corrected altitude.
Terrain Page
To display the Terrain Page, select the NAV group
and turn the small right knob until the Terrain Page
is displayed. The page displays terrain information,
aircraft ground track, and GPS-derived MSL altitude
(GSL altitude). Altitude is shown in increments of 20
feet or in increments of 10 meters, depending on unit
For units with TAWS or installed in helicopters or
equipped with optional HTAWS, refer to 400W/500W
Series Garmin Optional Displays, P/N 190-00356-30
Rev G, or later.
The Terrain Page has two selectable view settings:
• 360˚ View—View from above aircraft depicting
surrounding terrain on all sides
• 120˚ View—View of terrain ahead of and 60˚ to
either side of the aircraft flight path
TERRAIN Page with 360° View
NOTE: The Terrain Page gives a “Track Up” display
orientation, as indicated by the “TRK” label shown on
the display. This is the only orientation available on this
To display a 120˚ view:
1. Select the Terrain Page and press MENU.
2. Select “View 120˚?”.
3. Press ENT. To switch back to a 360˚ view,
repeat step 1, select “View 360˚?”, and press
Seven display ranges are available, allowing for a
more complete view of the surrounding area.
To change the display range:
1. Select the Terrain Page and press up or down
on the RNG key to select the desired range:
1 NM, 2 NM, 5 NM, 10 NM, 25 NM, 50 NM,
100 NM.
Aviation information such as airports, VORs, and
other navaids can be turned on or off from the Terrain
“Show Aviation Data?” Menu
Terrain Operation