190-00357-00 Rev H
suspended and the SUSP annunciation will appear.
Automatic waypoint sequencing will resume once
the aircraft is on the “TO” side of the FAF and within
full-scale deflection. This is a new feature with the
• Forallapproachesanddepartures,make sureto
recheck the runway, transition, and all waypoints.
If ATC directs you to make a change, recheck each
element again.
Points to Remember for Localizer or VOR-
based Approaches
• ThedefaultfactorysettingallowstheCDIoutputto
automatically switch from the GPS receiver to the
LOC receiver. This may be changed to manual in
some installations. If the “ILS CDI Selection” setting
is changed to “Manual”, you must determine when
to select “GPS” or “VLOC” guidance during the
approach. Remember, “VLOC” is required for the
final course segment from Final Approach Fix (FAF)
to MAP.
If the ILS CDI Capture setting is changed to
“Manual”, you must select VLOC guidance
manually by pressing the CDI key.
NOTE: Installations with certain autopilots, such as the
KAP 140 and KFC225, do not allow automatic ILS CDI
NOTE: GPS level of service annunciations (LPV, ENR,
etc.) are not applicable to the external CDI (or HSI)
when VLOC is active.
• Ifthe CDIoutputhasnot automaticallyswitched
from GPS to ILS upon reaching the FAF, you must
manually switch to the VLOC receiver by pressing
the CDI key. Verify that “VLOC” is displayed directly
above to the CDI key.
• Automaticswitchingof CDI outputis available
for ILS, localizer, SDF and LDA approaches. Auto-
matic CDI switching is not available for backcourse
approaches or VOR approaches.
Points to Remember