190-00357-00 Rev H
Aviation database integrity error — The 500W-series
unit has detected a problem with a database on the Nav-
card. The data is not usable and the card should be
returned to Jeppesen or your Garmin dealer for service.
Bad geometry, parallel offset not activated — parallel
offset is not activated because of flight plan geometry.
Basemap database integrity error — The 500W-series
unit has detected a failure in the built-in basemap (land
data) database. Land data does not appear on the Map Page.
Other unit functions continue to work normally, however
the 500W-series unit should be taken to your Garmin
dealer for service at your earliest convenience.
Boot block verify failed - Return unit for repair
— System integrity testing has determined that the boot
block has become corrupted. Return the unit to your
Garmin dealer for service.
Cannot navigate locked FPL — You have attempted
to navigate a flight plan (FPL) with one or more locked
waypoints. A waypoint can be “locked” when the NavData
card is replaced and the waypoint(s) does not exist in the
new database.
Can’t change an active waypoint — An attempt has
been made to modify the position of the active “to” or
“from” waypoint. The 500W-series unit does not allow
modifications to user waypoints currently being utilized for
navigation guidance.
Can’t delete an active or FPL waypoint — An attempt
has been made to delete the active “to” or “from” user
waypoint. The 500W-series unit does not allow you to
delete user waypoints currently being utilized for naviga-
tion guidance.
CDI key stuck — The CDI key is stuck in the enabled (or
“pressed”) state. Try pressing the CDI key again to cycle its
operation. Check for proper operation of both the internal
and remote keys (if present). If the message persists, contact
your Garmin dealer for assistance.
CDI key disabled — The installation has disabled the
CDI key so that systems (such as an EFIS) connected to the
500W series unit will always have GPS deviation data on
one output (main) and VLOC deviation data on the other
output (Nav). See your installer for more information.
Check unit cooling — The 500W-series unit has detected
excessive display backlighting temperature. The back-
lighting has been automatically dimmed to reduce the tem-
perature. Check for adequate ventilation or check cooling
airflow. Contact your Garmin dealer for assistance.
COM has failed — (GNS 530W only) The unit has
detected a failure in its communications transceiver. The
COM transceiver is not available and the unit should be
returned to your Garmin dealer for service.
COM is not responding — (GNS 530W only)
system-to-system communication between the main proces-
sor and the COM transceiver has failed.
Operational status
of the COM transceiver is unknown and the unit should be
returned to your Garmin dealer for service.
If the Com board is still working, it will automatically
tune to 121.500 MHz. Transmit and receive functions
may still operate regardless of the displayed frequency.
COM needs service —
(GNS 530W only)
The unit has
detected a failure in its communications transceiver. The
COM transceiver may still be usable, but the unit should
be returned (at your earliest convenience) to your Garmin
dealer for service.
COM push-to-talk key stuck — (GNS 530W only) The
external push-to-talk (PTT) switch is stuck in the enabled
(or “pressed”) state. Try pressing the PTT switch again to
cycle its operation. If the message persists, contact your
Garmin dealer for assistance.
COM remote transfer key is stuck — (GNS 530W only)
The remote COM transfer switch is stuck in the enabled
(or “pressed”) state. Try pressing the switch again to cycle
its operation. If the message persists, contact your Garmin
dealer for assistance.