190-00357-00 Rev H
NRST key stuck – The NRST key is stuck in the enabled
(or “pressed”) state. Try pressing the NRST key again to
cycle its operation. If the message persists, contact your
Garmin dealer for assistance.
OBS key stuck — The OBS key is stuck in the enabled
(or pressed) state. Try pressing the OBS key again to cycle
its operation. Check for proper operation of both the inter-
nal and remote keys (if present). If the message persists,
contact your Garmin dealer for assistance.
OBS not available — The OBS mode could not be
activated, because 1) no destination waypoint has been
selected, or 2) the GPS receiver cannot currently determine
its position.
Obstacle database integrity error — The 500W-series
unit has detected a problem with a database on the TAWS/
Terrain data card. The data is not usable and the card
should be returned to your Garmin dealer for service.
Position outside terrain database coverage region
–This is supplemental information to explain why “TER
N/A” is being annunciated.
RAIM position warning — Although sufficient GPS
satellite coverage may exist, Receiver Autonomous Integrity
Monitoring (RAIM) has determined the information from
one or more GPS satellites may be in error. The resulting
GPS position may be in error beyond the limits allowed
for your current phase of flight. Cross-check your position
with an alternate navigation source. If the warning occurs
during a final approach segment (FAF to MAP), execute the
published missed approach.
Scheduler message [1-9]— [user entered text] — The
user-entered scheduler message time has expired, and the
scheduler message is displayed.
Searching the sky — The 500W-series unit is searching the
sky for GPS satellites.
Select appropriate frequency for approach — You are
inbound and within 3 NM of the FAF; and the active VLOC
frequency does not match the published frequency for the
approach. Tune the standby VLOC frequency to the proper
frequency and press the VLOC flip-flop key to “activate”
the frequency.
Select VLOC on CDI for approach — (GNS 530W only)
You are inbound and within 3 NM of the FAF; and the
active approach is not a GPS-approved approach. Verify
that the VLOC receiver is tuned to the proper frequency
and press the CDI key to display “VLOC” (directly above
the CDI key).
Set course to [###]° — The course select for the external
CDI (or HSI) should be set to the specified course. The
message only occurs when the current selected course differs
from the desired track by 10°, or greater.
Steep turn ahead — This message appears approximately
one minute prior to a turn in one of the following three
conditions: 1) the turn requires a bank angle in excess of
25° in order to stay on course, 2) the turn requires a course
change greater than 175°, or 3) during a DME arc approach
the turn anticipation distance exceeds 90 seconds.
Stored data was lost — All user waypoints, flight plans
and system settings have been lost due to a system reset.
Stormscope device has failed — The 500W-series unit
cannot communicate with the WX-500 and/or the WX-500
is reporting a system failure.
Stormscope heading has failed — The WX 500 is
reporting invalid heading data. The failure may be within
the WX 500 or other connected equipment.
TAWS has failed — The 500W-series unit has detected a
failure in its TAWS system. The most likely cause is a miss-
ing or corrupt Terrain database. If the Terrain database is
not the cause, the unit should be returned to your Garmin
dealer for service.
TAWS inhibit key stuck — The external TAWS inhibit
key is stuck.
TAWS mute caution key is stuck — The external
HTAWS aural suppression input is stuck.