190-00357-00 Rev H
RNAV Approach Procedures
The 500W-series allows for flying LNAV, LNAV/VNAV, LNAV + V, LP, and LPV approaches according to the
published chart.
Description Minimums
L/VNAV Lateral Navigation/Vertical Navigation. RNAV non-precision approach with vertical
Published LNAV/VNAV
LNAV Lateral Navigation. RNAV non-precision approach. Published LNAV mini-
LNAV + V Lateral Navigation with Advisory Vertical Guidance. RNAV non-precision LNAV
approach with advisory vertical guidance. The glidepath is typically denoted by
a light dashed line on the vertical profile (Jeppeson only) with an associated
glidepath angle (usually in the 3.00 degree range) and is provided to assist the
pilot in maintaining a constant vertical glidepath, similar to an ILS glideslope.
Published LNAV mini-
LPV Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance (LPV) approach.
RNAV precision approach.
Published LPV mini-
LP LP indicates Localizer Performance with no vertical guidance. Published LP minimums.
NOTE: Minimums will be controlling, do not descend
below applicable minimum descent altitude or decision
height until criteria of FAR 91.175 are met.
Points to Remember for ALL Approaches
• The500W-series unitisdesignedto complement
your printed approach plates and vastly improve
situational awareness throughout the approach.
However, you must always fly an approach as it appears
on the approach plate.
• Theactiveleg (or the portion of the approach cur-
rently in use) is depicted in magenta on the Map
Page. As you fly the approach, the 500W-series
unit automatically sequences through each leg of
the approach unless “SUSP” appears above the
OBS key. “SUSP” indicates that automatic sequenc-
ing of approach waypoints is suspended on the
current leg and normally appears at holding pat-
terns and upon crossing the missed approach point
“SUSP” indicates that automatic sequencing
of approach waypoints is suspended. In some
instances “SUSP” automatically cancels (hold-
ing pattern entry). In other cases, press OBS to
manually cancel.
• Forrollsteering autopilots: roll steering is terminated
when approach mode is selected on the autopilot and
is available once the missed approach is initiated.
• IfVectors-to-Finalisactivatedwhileonthe“FROM”
side of the FAF, automatic waypoint sequencing is
RNAV Approach Procedures