
Chapter 9. Contacting IBM Tivoli Software Support
If you encounter a problem with the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator product, first
look for help at the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Support Web site. This site
contains a searchable database of Technotes and frequently asked questions relating
to current issues. The site also contains presentations, fixes, fix packs, and white
papers. Go to http://www-306.ibm.com/software/sysmgmt/products/support/,
and under Product support pages A to Z click I, and then select IBM Tivoli
Intelligent Orchestrator to open the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Support Web
If the problem cannot be resolved by using the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator
Support Web site or the problem determination and troubleshooting information
provided in this guide, contact IBM Tivoli Software Support.
The proper method for contacting support is described in the Tivoli Support
Handbook. This handbook is located at the following Web site:
http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/handbook.html. The guide directs
you to collect certain kinds of information to help Tivoli Support find a solution to
your problem.
Collect this information, but do not send it to Tivoli Support until you are directed
to do so. The procedures and methods for transmitting such data undergo periodic
change. Therefore, get the latest instructions from Tivoli Support before you send
the information to them.
General data to collect for Tivoli Support
Collect the following information and make it available to Tivoli Support so they
can solve the problem as quickly as possible:
v A brief description of the class of problem, such as installation, configuration,
audit, system failure, or performance
v Hardware configurations (machine make and model number), operating system
type, version number, patch levels
v Language/locale information
v Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator level, including any fix packs
v Server information for these servers: Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator, LDAP, DB2
Universal Database, IBM Directory Server, WebSphere Application Server. The
information should include the systems on which they are located, network
connectivity to these systems, and the version number (including fix packs) of
the servers.
v List of any systems (Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator server, LDAP server)
configured with multiple IP addresses
v Detailed description of the problem, and whether the problem can be re-created.
If the problem can be re-created, what steps are required to re-create the
v Time frame in which the problem occurred (in relation to the log entries)
v The business impact of the problem you are facing. Determine how this impacts
your system and your ability to meet your business needs.
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