BTC4027I command to restart the common agent
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC4028I unknown parameter
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC4029I command to get the ID of the machine
that the common agent is running on
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC4030I command to get the ID of the common
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC4031I command to regenerate the ID of the
machine the common agent is running
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC4032I command to regenerate the ID of the
common agent
Explanation: No additional information is available
for this message.
BTC4033I The connector could not get the
configured port number. The default
port will be used.
Explanation: The connector could not get the
configured port number. The default port will be used.
BTC4035E The attempt to invoke the method failed
because either the service, service_name,
or the method, method_name, does not
Explanation: The attempt to invoke the method failed
because the service or method does not exist.
System action: The invocation to this service will fail.
The common agent cannot find this service in its
runtime environment.
Administrator Response: Verify that the service name
and method name are accurate.
BTC4036E The source type, sType, is not valid.
Explanation: The component that attempted to
connect and invoke an operation on the common agent
is not a valid component. The common agent rejected
its request. This message indicates the component type
that is listed in the certificate of the component that
attempted to contact the common agent.
System action: After rejecting the connection from the
component of the specified type, the common agent
will begin listening for more incoming connections.
Administrator Response: Communication between
multiple common agents is not supported.
BTC4037E The target type, tType, is not valid.
Explanation: The component type listed in the
common agent certificate is incorrect. The certificate
might have been replaced since the common agent
System action: The common agent will refuse any
incoming requests.
Administrator Response: Contact customer support.
BTC4041E The HTTP headers are longer than the
maximum header length of length.
Explanation: The SOAP requests were sent to the
common agent via HTTP. The common agent received
a request in which the length of the HTTP header
exceeds the specified maximum allowable value.
System action: The common agent ignored the request
because it is not valid, and closed the socket on which
it was received. Then, the common agent returned to
listen for new incoming requests.
Administrator Response: Contact customer support.
BTC4042E The command-line interface command
failed. The common agent configuration
could not be retrieved from the
file_name file.
Explanation: This message is displayed when the
command-line interface command invocation fails due
to a problem that occurs while loading the common
agent configuration from the specified file.
System action: Because the common agent cannot be
contacted, it is not affected by the failure of the
command-line interface command.
Administrator Response: Verify that the specified
properties file exists, and that it is populated with the
appropriate configuration information. If the
configuration information is correct, but the problem
persists, contact customer support.
Chapter 11. Tivoli Common Agent Services messages 195