
Chapter 8. Troubleshooting the agent manager
This chapter contains the following sections to help you resolve problems with the
agent manager:
v “Log files for the agent manager”
v “Determining the version of agent manager” on page 83
v “Installation and uninstallation verifications” on page 83
v “Common problems” on page 87
Log files for the agent manager
The following sections describe how to locate and use the agent manager log files:
v “Packaging the log files”
v “Locating the installation log files”
v “Locating the uninstallation log files” on page 81
v “Locating the remote registry logs” on page 81
v “Locating the runtime log files” on page 82
v “Locating the DB2 Universal Database runtime logs” on page 82
Packaging the log files
If you encounter a problem that you cannot resolve immediately, collect a copy of
the log files and system configuration information. This preserves the information
you need to perform detailed problem determination and prevents you from
having to scan back through messages and trace events that were recorded after
the problem occurred. If you contact IBM Customer Support, you must provide
this package.
To package the logs and configuration information into a compressed, or zipped,
file for IBM Customer Support, use the log collection tool that is available in the
toolkit subdirectory of the agent manager installation directory
Locating the installation log files
The log files generated during the installation and initial configuration of the agent
manager are located in the Agent_Manager_install_dir\logs directory. The default
directory for the agent manager installation is %TIO_HOME%\AgentManager on
Windows ($TIO_HOME/AgentManager on UNIX or Linux). The following table lists
the installation logs.
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